Saturday, June 11, 2011

Crazy Weekend....

This has been a really wierd weekend at the Trease house! I never and I repeat neevveerr have a quiet night at home, just me. Ryan made a brief appearance after being gone for a week, took a shower and asked if he could go to a "late night" at a friends house. I told him I thought we could hang out, eat popcorn, and watch a movie, but I guess Mom isn't near as fun as the friends he hasn't seen for a week. Sierra was on a date (seems so weird to say that!!). Trent, Colter, and Livi were in Idaho Falls for a baseball tournament. I didn't go to Idaho Falls because that would mean Ryan would be coming home to an empty house :( We missed him too much to do that! It also meant me missing games, kids and hubby. Long story short, I ate popcorn and watched a movie by myself! EWE! Why did I pop the 97% fat free popcorn instead of the butter lovers? What am I nuts???? No kids here and gross popcorn! Weird night :)
My sisters husband was out of town this weekend too so within the two days we ate at three different places, hit lots of yard sales and had a ton of fun being with our mom. Sierra and I also made it to Trent's cousins wedding today.
Colter's team won three of the four games that they played and they will be getting back home tonight. I feel like I got a vacation without leaving town.

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