Saturday, September 3, 2011

Last of the season

We went camping over Labor Day for the last time of the season. I love that we have a place to go as a family, a place that we can all be together, away from things like CELL PHONES!! Sometimes I love that we don't have cell service up there. This time was a little bit different because some of the family couldn't go, but we had others come that usually don't. We had 17 people all together. We got ice cream in downtown Lava, watched the tubers for a while and then just hung out at the camp. We decided to watch instead of tube this time because the last few times someone has gotten hurt (usually Ryan) he got a gash out of his back and was under the water as a four person tube went over fop of him...he thought he was going to drown. We thought it would be smart to wait until next summer before we do that again.

Livi and Cole catching nothing but weeds :)

Cole and Nick

Ryan, Nick and Zach

Some creepy critter we found by the campfire

Jill and Nick

Livi and Trent doing the dishes

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