Monday, September 26, 2011

Woolly Mammoth

I had to post this funny story......We were picking tomatoes in Grandma Treases garden and Livi, Nedra and I were in a corner of it. Livi, who loves bugs and doesn't usually get scared of little creatures, lets out this girly shriek! I asked her what and in a panic she is pointing to me and yelling, "It's on your back! It's on your back!" I was swatting at my back and shaking my shirt, then she says that it fell down. As she's point into the tomato plants where it fell, she says, "see it's a a a a WOOLLY MAMMOTH!!! I bend down and see a praying mantis!! We laughed hysterically :) I think it's time to find a picture of a woolly mammoth.

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