Monday, November 14, 2011

Cherish the mornings

I am so grateful that this little one is still home with me half of the day. I am going to be broken hearted when she goes to first grade, but lets not talk about that yet! I love her creativity, she has been a great artist since the day she could hold a crayon. I love that she will sit for hours and create amazing things. If she has paper, crayons, scissors, and tape, she is set! Today she made this huge tree and then made the blanket into a nest and sat in it and played. There are not words to describe how priceless these little mornings are with just her and I home together.

1 comment:

  1. Love it--slmost as awseome as homemade money. My girls are always haning up thier art projects on the wall. I am sure I will miss it one day.
