Thursday, November 10, 2011


I am so grateful my kids have great teachers! Livi and Cole always have stories about their teachers. I love that Colters teacher always shares personal experiences with his class about life in his younger years and just everyday things, like forgetting his wallet when he went to pay for a whole cart of groceries :) Livi thinks her teacher is so smart and nice. I worry that she might think I am a bad mom for letting Livi get her way and go to school one day without a coat! Liv and I had argued about it and she won...she is always so hot when everyone else is freezing so I decided I would let her win the battle since she had a sweater and long pants. When she got in the car after school, she said, "my teacher found me a coat to wear because you didn't send me one." I was sooooo embarrassed!
I don't want to forget the Jr. High and High School teachers who teach my kids way more that I ever could. I can't even help with homework very often, it's hard stuff!
There are many teachers in my family and so I have an appreciation for them in a huge way! My mother in law is a teacher, my grandma and grandpa Favero were both teachers, I also have an aunt and a cousin who are both teachers. I know it takes a lot of time, energy and patience to be a good teacher, I am very grateful for all of the ones in my life.

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